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About Us


Sharing a Passion

We've been manufacturing specialty picture frames for a over 25 years. However, Healing the Heart started some time after we lost our beloved dog, Mick.  

We wanted a memorial especially for him and so we put our production effort toward making a unique pet remembrance frame.

By the time e-commerce was in full swing, we had developed a full line of gift remembrance frames including a selection of 15 different verses and frames in five colors.

Today we also offer a free photo editing service so that the gift you wish to send is a complete gift with the pet's photo already inserted into the frame.  

The passion we have for our own dogs motivates us to reach out to other animal lovers who are facing the loss of their companions.  We know how it feels to lose them and hope we can offer something meaningful to you or those you wish to comfort.

All of us at Healing the Heart,

Michael, Joan, Vonnie, Cindy
Jimmy the Lab
Jessie the Lab
Oreo the Hound


Gift Package Details
Gift Package Details